Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Bad luck continues...

I was hoping for a full weekend of MGB restoration, but I ended up with bad back after 2 hours! I did manage to get the shell from the rotator to the dolley so the rear valance is now accessible. Hopefully I'll be back :-) in a few days.

Friday, 12 September 2008

Tidy up last nights bird .... droppings

I guess the only difference between a bad weld and a good weld is the amount of grinding. Just had an hour to tidy the welds and do a little housekeeping in prep for tomorrows re-configuration of the rotator. I need clear access to replace the rear valance and therefore the rear part of the rotator must be removed. I will support the car near the back with my DIY dolley. Hopefully pics tomorrow.

Poor welding (except on my thumb!)

Not a good evening. First was my rubbish welding due to my poor patch preperation. Then I managed to weld my thumb. Ouch! So I gave up for the night to nurse my painful thumb which now sports a crusty hole!